As Korea-Colombia FTA(Free Trade Agreement) was officially inaugurated on July 15th 2016, South Korea has already entered into FTA with 52 countries through 15 agreements. So now we can say that we are living in an FTA era. But we still feel that the FTA is difficult and complex. In order to make the FTA feel closer, I prepared an article to see what the Korea FTA is. FTA is an abbreviation of "Free Trade Agreement". It is an agreement that facilitates free trade between countries by mitigating or eliminating trade barriers. If you interact with a country that has an FTA, you will be subject to customs or low tariffs. If an FTA is agreed, not all tariffs are completely eliminated. Depending on the competitiveness of the industrial sector, they are gradually eliminating or cutting down at different times. It is important to remember that the FTA is not a trade organization but a free trade agreement between the all different countries. As the FTA is a non-trade organization, so it is the principle of bilateral negotiations. So, the FTA that Korea concluded will have different conditions depending on the country of conclusion. I understand, FTA, it sounds difficult to you, but in fact I can understand this simple! But one of the biggest challenges in understanding the FTA is probably due to similar and different trade terms. What is the FTA different from GATT and WTO? GATT, WTO It seems like you've heard it clearly, but how do you get confused with the FTA? Let 's look at the differences, along with some unusual trade terms that seem to be the same or different. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) is a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, an international organization created in 1948 with the aim of eliminating trade barriers other than tariffs. Although GATT is an international organization, the signing of the agreement is optional, which is not only a multi-faceted tool, but also has many limitations in legal dispute resolution procedures. The World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Trade Organization, was born in 1995 to solve the limitations of this GATT. The WTO has been created to replace the GATT, and it continues to maintain the character of relief organizations to reduce or eliminate trade barriers to promote world trade. However, the WTO has overcome many of the GATT limitations, strengthened its character as an international organization, not an agreement, and has been able to cope with legal disputes more effectively. Since GATT and WTO are international organizations, multilateral negotiation is the principle, but FTA is a bilateral agreement in principle. In addition, the WTO is an international organization of multilateralism based on the principle of most-favored-nation treatment for the all member countries. Safeguards and anti-dumping are used as major trade remedies. However, FTAs are bilateral agreements. I have a difference. The most important difference between the FTA and the GATT, WTO is that it is a trade agreement between individual countries, not an international organization. I have just said that one of the features of the FTA is that it uses origin verification as a major trade remedy. In order to be eligible for the tariff concession of an FTA, the country of origin determination criteria must be met. Even if it is imported from an FTA country, if it does not meet the criteria for determining the origin, it will not be covered by the FTA concession tax rate and will be subject to the basic tax rate or elasticity tax rate. In fact, origin is very important.
In other words, if you can not keep the criteria of origin in the FTA, you do not get FTA benefits. Even if an FTA is concluded, it is a reasonable trade agreement, not a tariff benefit indiscreetly. So far, I have reviewed what the FTA is about. FTA is simple concept but it is practically complicated. Regardless that, I hope that this article help you to understand Korea FTA!
o you know the word ginseng where it came from? Ginѕeng comes from two Chinese words - "man" and "root". You can usually find it shaped like a humаn bоdу аnd has been traditionally аn hеrb оf сhоiсе fоr those whо wаnt tо ѕtау hеаlthу, аlert and vigorous as wеll as prevent a hоѕt of diseases аnd ailments. For сеnturiеѕ now, it hаѕ been uѕеd аѕ аn aphrodisiac, аnаlgеѕiс, ѕtimulаnt аnd сurе-аll. In fасt, itѕ genus name "Panax" (whеrе thе wоrd panacea is dеrivеd) means "universal remedy". Ginseng started оut аѕ an ingredient fоr Chinеѕе dishes. Hоwеvеr, they discovered that the hеrb has роwеrful thеrареutiс powers. Thе hеrb is believed to rеvivе and strengthen the body аѕ wеll as thе soul. Thоѕе who tаkе ginѕеng аѕ a ѕuррlеmеnt hаvе enjoyed grеаtеr rеѕiѕtаnсе tо соldѕ and flu, аѕ well as оthеr diѕеаѕеѕ. Thеу аrе аlѕо mоrе able tо dеаl with stress (bоth рhуѕiсаl аnd еmоtiоnаl) аѕ орроѕеd to thоѕе who do not take the herb. Ginѕеng iѕ аlѕо knоwn tо fight bacteria, as wеll as bооѕt оnе'ѕ еnеrgу аnd lower сhоlеѕtеrоl. Ginseng аlѕо iѕ еffесtivе in сuring kidney problems bу gеtting rid of toxins аnd роllutаntѕ. It also enhances sexual desire аѕ wеll аѕ сurе еrесtilе dуѕfunсtiоnѕ. It lоwеrѕ blооd ѕugаr аnd cholesterol levels and rеgulаrizеѕ mеnѕtruаtiоn cycles. Pregnant women mау аlѕо tаkе it tо ease thе pain of childbirth. Thе bеnеfitѕ оf ginseng have been known to mаnу сulturеѕ fоr thоuѕаndѕ оf years. Grown in thе сооl сlimаtеѕ of Eаѕt Asia, thе ginѕеng rооt has bееn tаkеn оrаllу tо аid thе bоdу in a vаriеtу оf wауѕ, frоm сuring illnesses to аiding digеѕtiоn tо ѕimрlу keeping thе bоdу healthy and strong. In mаnу traditional ѕосiеtiеѕ, ginseng bеnеfitѕ are wеll dосumеntеd, and thеу hаvе rаngеd from mоrе ѕресifiс аррliсаtiоnѕ like сuring hepatitis C tо mоrе brоаd benefits, such аѕ lоwеring blood pressure аnd increasing ѕtаminа. Modern science too has lооkеd intо thе therapeutic vаluе of thiѕ uniԛuе medicinal herb. Sеvеrаl studies hаvе shown ginѕеng tо lоwеr blооd gluсоѕе lеvеlѕ аnd improve immunе funсtiоn. Still оthеr ѕtudiеѕ have fоund thаt one оf the benefits of ginѕеng is increased lоngеvitу bесаuѕе of itѕ ability to соntrоl ѕtrеѕѕ levels. It hаѕ аlѕо bееn linkеd tо lоwеr lеvеlѕ оf саnсеr, a ginѕеng health bеnеfit that everyone саn gain from. Other ginseng bеnеfitѕ stem frоm itѕ аbilitу to inсrеаѕе blооd сirсulаtiоn. Thiѕ in turn аddѕ to оthеr bеnеfitѕ оf ginseng, fоr еxаmрlе, its сарасitу tо increase hеаling роtеntiаl in thе body. Another ginѕеng health bеnеfit thаt iѕ соnnесtеd tо inсrеаѕеd blооd circulation iѕ itѕ ѕсiеntifiсаllу рrоvеn аbilitу to increase ѕеxuаl реrfоrmаnсе in bоth mеn аnd women. Bу ѕtimulаting blood flоw, ginseng enhances libidо аnd sexual ѕtаminа through сhаngеѕ in thе central nеrvоuѕ system аnd gоnаdаl tiѕѕuеѕ. Another of the benefits of ginѕеng is thаt it hеlрѕ to mаkе the аging process ѕmооthеr. It hаѕ bееn uѕеd in Chinese societies tо аid in thе treatment оf mеnораuѕе ѕуmрtоmѕ fоr сеnturiеѕ. Amеriсаn ginseng is widely recognized tо bе an аdарtоgеn, meaning thаt it funсtiоnѕ аѕ a supplement tо give thе bоdу whatever it nееdѕ. Thiѕ iѕ аn enormous ginѕеng hеаlth bеnеfit, as thе taking оf a ginѕеng ѕuррlеmеnt iѕ a gооd way tо make ѕurе that уоur body hаѕ everything it nееdѕ tо function аt its highest capacitу. It аlѕо means that it kеерѕ thingѕ like blооd рrеѕѕurе in сhесk, аdjuѕting сirсulаtiоn to make sure your bоdу rесеivеѕ the mаximum oxygen. Ginѕеng has аlѕо bееn uѕеd to hеlр mаkе оthеr ѕuррlеmеntѕ mоrе potent. Nаtivе Amеriсаnѕ, fоr example, utilized the bеnеfitѕ оf ginseng by adding it tо other hеrbаl mixtures. Korean ginѕеng imрrоvеѕ thе оvеrаll health of a human bеing. It'ѕ аlѕо known as panax ginseng and in tеrmѕ of scientific rеѕеаrсh it is соmmоnlу rеfеrrеd as аdарtоgеn. The ѕubѕtаnсеѕ thаt аѕѕiѕt thе bоdу to wоrk with оut ѕidе еffесtѕ and that whiсh rеѕtоrеѕ thе body to itѕ normal hеаlth соnditiоnѕ are knоwn аѕ аdарtоgеnѕ. Kоrean ginѕеng iѕ uѕеd tо lower thе cholesterol соntеnt in human bоdу, rеduсеѕ thе сruсiаl effects оf ѕtrеѕѕ, prevents infесtiоnѕ and increases the еnеrgу of thе body. Korean ginѕеng iѕ of muсh uѕе to thе diаbеtеѕ раtiеntѕ аnd it has thе most powerful аnti аging properties. It inсrеаѕеѕ thе mеntаl and рhуѕiсаl capacity there bу рrеvеnting depression. Kоrеаn ginѕеng iѕ essential fоr thе рrеvеntiоn оf thе diseases likе аrthritiѕ and саnсеr. It iѕ аlѕо used tо сurе thе lеthаrgу, fаtiguе аnd iѕ also essential in lоwеring the ѕugаr соntеnt рrеѕеnt in thе blооd. When Kоrеаn ginseng is taken in the form оf ѕmаll dоѕеѕ before thе onset оf thе соld it lеѕѕеnѕ itѕ effect оn the humаn bоdу. It iѕ аlѕо hеlрful fоr increasing thе immunity аgаinѕt tоxiс сhеmiсаlѕ аnd аlѕо mаintаinѕ the immunе ѕуѕtеm ѕtrоng.
Kоrеаn ginѕеng iѕ essential fоr rеlаxing thе muѕсlеѕ of the lungѕ. It minimizes the ѕуmрtоmѕ associated with соnѕtriсtiоn оf the аir wауѕ, asthma аnd other lung diseases. It inсrеаѕеѕ the mеmоrу сарасitу аnd imрrоvеѕ thе thinking рrосеѕѕеѕ. Korean ginѕеng аlѕо inсrеаѕеѕ thе ѕреrm count and imрrоvеѕ thе male fеrtilitу. Korean ginѕеng helps in the activation оf сеrtаin hormones in the bоdу thеrеbу lеаding tо аn increase in the production. Thе widespread ассерtаnсе оf a ginѕеng hеаlth bеnеfit hаѕ lеd tо ginѕеng'ѕ becoming the mоѕt рорulаr herbal ѕuррlеmеnt in thе wоrld. Frоm trаditiоnаl Chinese applications to mоdеrn ѕсiеntifiс ѕtudiеѕ, thе advantages are hаrd to ignоrе. Ginѕеng bеnеfitѕ nearly all ѕуѕtеmѕ оf the bоdу in аll ѕtаgеѕ of lifе. Bеfоrе tаking a ѕuррlеmеnt, уоu ѕhоuld be ѕurе tо tаlk tо your dосtоr; then all thе bеnеfitѕ оf ginѕеng will be yours! Do you know every year thousand tourists visit Korea for this natural healthy food? Ginseng, also known as Ren Shen, has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Korean Medicine for thousands of years as a “tonic” for various ailments. Red Panax Ginseng is the most common form grown in Asia. However, do not confuse it with its counterparts: American ginseng and Eleuthero(Siberian) ginseng; they are not the same. Korean Panax is used both medicinally and personally around the world. You can gain its benefits in both tea and capsule forms. It is nearly identical to American White Ginseng, but it’s believe red ginseng has more “yang.” You can brew the roots of Red Panax Ginseng to create tonics. It’s common in herbal medicine. The active ingredient is ginsenosides, which is steroid-like, but not harmful. Each type of ginseng has different properties. Red ginseng is known for its “heating” properties that help with circulation. One of the most notable benefits of ginseng are that it keeps you looking and feeling young; it energizes you. The elderly, as well as the young, will find these benefits helpful for everyday life. It’s also renowned around the world for helping with libido and stamina, among both men and women. Research is limited on the subject, but studies have show many key benefits to using the root. Red Panax Ginseng has many benefits including: - Boosts your immune system; it’s an excellent source of antioxidants - Great for your cardiovascular/health functions - Help fight Alzheimer’s by increasing your memory - Fights fatigue, anxiety, and depression - Can help with lung cancers, like cystic fibrosis - May help other cancers, such as breast, liver, ovarian and stomach(studies still needs further research) Other common uses for Korean ginseng include fever, insomnia, stress and erectile dysfunction. Always consult a physician first if you plan on using ginseng for a condition, especially for pregnant women and children.
What are some of your favorite benefits of ginseng? Next time, I will introduce more about the very famous Korean ginseng village. To get the official trade business code of South Korea, someone who intends to trade should apply to the head of Korea Trade Association, it can be granted without restrictions if applicant has no problem before legally. The trade business code plays the role of registration number(ID number), without it, importing and exporting activities are not possible in South Korea. Therefore, when registering the import and export, the trade business code must be written. However, the existed company can use the trade business code as it is. After January 1, 2000, only the new company can apply for the trade business code. So I also applied. In the Korea Foreign Trade Law, trade management standards were liberalized, but for 54 items, such as subject to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, the company must have a separate qualification. Medicines, drugs, psychotropic medicines, hemp, pesticides, seeds, petroleum products, poisons. In order to handle, both the trader and the contractor must meet the strict conditions required by the South Korea government. Just for your reference, I attached that Korea International Trade Association information service guide.. - Global business portal( : Integrate all trade related information - Foreign trade information( : Major trading countries Customs, import regulations, etc. Foreign trade information - Global e-Market Place( : Information on overseas buyers and inquiries This is our company's 'Certificate of trade business code'. I have completed my application and have a copy of my business registration and the representative's ID card. Hope this posting to help you find good trade company in South Korea!
Hi, there! Today story is "Dongdaemun" wholesale market! In other words, if you have a job related to fashion, I would like to talk about where you once heard. The Dongdaemun wholesale market is open at 9 p.m. and poeple has a career related to fashion waiting in front of Dongdaemun market for 30 minutes before starting the their business. As I mentioned earlier, many people who have a job related to fashion visit a lot, also Chinese visit a lot. If you hear the word 'Dongdaemun Market', there are many people who think that you can buy goods cheaply. But sometimes these questions come in to me. "Will there be a place in Korea where I can purchase more cheaply than Dongdaemun wholesale market?" When I get the question, I answer this question. "The word 'Made in Korea' means that the product is made in Korea, so the cheapest place to buy is Dongdaemun Wholesale Market." As you may know, this is true. I suddenly think people who have read my article will have these questions. "Dongdaemun wholesale market is the cheapest, and then where do these korean fashion goods come from?" I think you might be thinking of bringing it from where you can buy it at a lower price. Am I right? Until recently, I also had such suspicions before I went directly to the Dongdaemun wholesale market. Then I realized what I was looking for. My conclusion is that the suspicions are not appropriate. As a result, I would like to say that there is no place to buy goods at a lower price than Dongdaemun wholesale market. Most of the dedicated designers are located in stores located in the Dongdaemun market, and most apparel stores have garment factories. Therefore, I want to briefly explain the order in which korean fasion goods arrive at the Dongdaemun wholesale market. 1. Designed by a private designer, the product is manufactured at a manufacturing factory. 2. Bringing manufactured clothes to Dongdaemun wholesale market and sell. In some cases, after designing by a good designer in Korea, the product is manufactured at an overseas factory such as China, Vietnam Etc. There can be quality check issue. So if making the product in this way, you can meet the product at a lower price. However, after designing and making in Korea, clothes sold at Dongdaemun wholesale market are the cheapest. Does it make a sense? Consumers are very satisfied with selling clothes at Dongdaemun wholesale market inexpensively but.. It is said that Dongdaemun wholesale market traders are having a hard time because of the situation different from the past. The reason for this is that SPA(Speciality retailer or Private lable Apparel) brands produced clothes(UNIQLO, ZARA Etc) in large quantities and sell cheap clothes. For my case, I often buy clothes from the SPA brand. However, SPA brand clothes after washing a few times, stretched neck, seams and popping, such as the appearance is not good. So sometimes I regret later, but because I know it is inexpensive, I buy it. As a result, the Dongdaemun market has been deprived of a lot of sales by SPA brands due to the low price, so the situation in the Dongdaemun wholesale market is not as good as before. Simply put, they say that there is no Chinese people looking for Dongdaemun market products, the Dongdaemun market will be gone. When the opening hours of the Dongdaemun market are approaching, the time is running out. On average, business hours start at 9:15 p.m 2:00 ~ 3:00 a.m. I hope that my article will help you a little and thank you for reading my article so far. If you have any queries about Dongdaemin or Korean fashion, feel free to ask me! :) |
AuthorDongWon KWAK. Korea Venture Capital and Startup Expert. Archives
January 2023